Health Care in The United States

This project builds on your readings and discussions about government and politics, economics, and other social science disciplines. Choose one of the following issues to discuss from the perspective of government and politics as well as economics. You may select a topic not listed here but it must be approved by your instructor at least two weeks prior to the due date. The list of topics is

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  • health care in the United States
  • Once you have selected your topic, obtain at least four scholarly journal articles or books to address your selected issue. Scholarly articles are works that are written by authorities in the field and are usually peer-reviewed by an expert panel. Media outlets like Time, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, are NOT scholarly because they merely report information and can be prone to bias. Popular websites like Wikipedia and are usually not peer-reviewed and are therefore prone to errors and bias. To learn more about scholarly sources, visit the following link to the UMUC library:

Databases in the library that may be good sources of scholarly articles include: Academic Search Premier, Social Science Abstracts, Berkeley Electronic Press, CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Contemporary Women’s Issues, GenderWatch, Lexis Nexis, and PAIS International.

Writing the paper:

Your paper should include the following:

  • Section I: Introduction and Statement of Purpose – Write a thesis that introduces your topic and informs the reader of the purpose of your paper
  • Section II: The Political Perspective on the Issue – Describe how your issues has been caused and/or impacted by political factors
  • Section III: The Economic Perspective on the Issue – Describe how your issue has been caused and/or impacted by economic factors
  • Section IV: An Integrated Perspective on the Issue – Provide an integrated analysis of the issue using both the political and economic perspectives. Include any current or future trends.

Required Format:

  • Six pages of text plus a title page and a reference page.
  • APA (6th edition) style for format and citations:
    • For information on APA format, visit the following link:
    • For information on APA citation style, visit the following UMUC library link:
  • Paper should be double spaced with 1” margins (left, right, top, and bottom)
  • Use 12-point font, Times New Roman
  • Numbered pages
  • Divide paper into five sections:
    • Section I: Introduction and Statement of Purpose
    • Section II: The Political Perspective on the Issue
    • Section III: The Economic Perspective on the Issue
    • Section IV: An Integrated Perspective on the Issue
    • References

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