Christian Biblical Narrative

4-The four part of Christian Biblical Narrative are:
Creation- God created the Earth and everything on it intentionally. Nothing was created by accident.

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Fall – Gods perfect order was broken. Sin, suffering, and death was introduced into the world.

Redemption- Jesus Christ died so that we can be forgiven and given the chance for salvation and a proper relationship with God.

Restoration- The ultimate goal of restoration of all creation. Has not yet occurred.

These ideas can provide comfort in times of sickness and disease. Disease and sickness did not occur until sin was introduced into the world. Often times, people lose faith in God when they are suffering and wonder why God put them in this position. It is during these times that our faith is tested. Healing occurs when faith is restored. The fact that God is present at all times and has plans for restoration of human kind should provide comfort.


5-In order to build a biblical-theological framework for understanding God’s mission, the church’s mission, and the church’s mission to the nations, one must first understand the unified biblical narrative, including its four major plot movements creation, The fall, redemption, and restoration. It is with this in mind that the contributors to Theology and Practice of Mission address some of the most compelling, practical, and crucial issues facing the global church today, issues such as justice, discipleship, community, and unreached people groups (Grand Canyon University, 2015).In the final days the story will not end with redemption. God has promised to renew the whole world, and the Bible gives us a peak into this glorious future. The restoration of all things will take place in two ways. Christ will return to judge sin and evil, and He will usher in righteousness and peace. God will purge this world of evil once and for all.



6-According to author Bruce Ashford’s “Theology and Practice of Mission” everything in the universe and was created according to God’s plan .”In order to build a biblical-theological framework for understanding God’s mission, the church’s mission, and the church’s mission to the nations, one must first understand the unified biblical narrative, including its four major plot movements–creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.”

There are 4 main themes that interconnect the history of the Judeo-Christian worldview. The first is creation. In the beginning, God created time and the universe by His power, turning nothing into something (ex-nihilo). He created the stars, galaxies, fish, cucumbers, trees, giraffes, and his greatest work of all, humankind. God placed the man Adam and his wife Eve in the Garden of Eden, a perfect environment, and gave them the responsibility to tend the garden and take care of the animals.

The Temptation or the Fall of man. This is the struggle between good and evil in all kinds hearts and it has its origins in the garden of Eden and the Snake (Lucifer) and the apple of temptation of Eve’s biting of the apple.

The redemption in the Old Testament is the story of God’s plan to bring redemption of man. The sacrificial system, the spotless lamb, the savior of the world, the one who would die for his own people’s sins.

The final theme is restoration. It is when Christ will return and make all things right. At the moment of his death, there was a great earthquake. Jesus’ body was taken from the cross, laid in a nearby tomb, and on the third day, Jesus’ tomb was discovered empty. Only to be restored to eternal life.

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