Delta Pacific Case Study


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As the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC), you know you need to determine potential organizational  barriers to change for the company’s goal of changing the culture from the more  traditional manufacturing environment to one of a contemporary consulting  environment. Now it’s time to create your strategy to combat barriers to change:

  • Assess the potential barriers to changing an organizational culture
  • Analyze change strategies appropriate for this type of change
  • Determine potential employee resistance behaviors
  • Determine the best way to influence employees in the right direction

Since you are the change leader, it  is your responsibility to consider that there will be organizational and human barriers to change. As part of your role, you should take proactive measures and design a change strategy to address potential barriers and resistance.

Conduct academic research and create a plan to present to the CEO and board in which you complete the following change strategy for barriers and resistance:

  • Explanation of potential organizational barriers that are most likely to occur for this type of change.
  • Description of the employee resistance behaviors.
  • Explanation of your strategy to overcome the barriers and resistance.
  • Discussion of your strategy recommendations to  overcome barriers and influence employees in the right direction.
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