Case Study: Pediatric Respiratory System

 Case Study: Pediatric Respiratory System

Will is a 4-month-old infant born at 34 weeks of gestation. Will’s mother states that he has not been able to go to day care because he has been coughing with a fever for the past 3 days. She states today he is unable to feed well from the bottle because of nasal secretions.

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Subjective Data

  • Mother complains that infant has had cough for 3 days
  • Mother states that infant is having trouble sleeping
  • Not voided in past 6 hours

Objective Data

  • Birth Weight: 1.9 kg
  • Today’s Weight: 5.5 kg
  • Vital Signs: T 38° C, P 186, R 60, BP 90/52, Pulse Oximetry 93%
  • Thick yellow nasal secretions
  • Nasal flaring with moderate intercostal retractions
  • Breath sounds decreased with crackles bilaterally to auscultation

7. Question 1

What risk factors does Will have for contracting bronchiolitis?

8. Question 2

What is the first priority for Will’s treatment?

9. Question 3

What should the nurse do in this clinical situation? Prioritize actions.

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