I want you to search the internet – anywhere you’d like – and find a toy for children that has a sexist/gendered message to it. Look for something that suggests the product is more for girls than boys but that in reality, either a girl or a boy could play with the toy. You could select a print ad, a commercial, or an actual product for sale online – like at Walmart, for example. Walmart is a better place to look for something like this than Target because the Walmart homepage still has the sexist/gendered shopping categories of “Boys’ Toys” and “Girls’ Toys”. Pick a current toy or advertisement, do not pick something vintage – as those are clearly and terribly sexist/gendered. Also, do not post a link to an article about gendered toys – I want you to find a toy on your own.Compose a brief, one-paragraph description of the toy, focusing on how/why you think it is sexist/gendered.
Sexist/gendered message
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