Analyzing Counseling Theories


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This week concludes your side-by-side analysis of counseling theories. Download the chart template, “Analyzing Counseling Theories” from this week’s Learning Resources to complete the last piece of your integrative approach assignment.


Part 1: Chart


  • Use the chart template to analyze counseling theories.


  • Select two theories from this week’s Learning Resources.


  • Describe the background theory, human nature, major constructs, applications, and evaluations of each counseling theory.


Part 2: Reflection (1 page)


  • Describe a specific population of clients with whom you hope to work in the future.


  • Explain which of the two theories in your chart would be the most effective in working with this client population and explain why.


  • Describe the interventions you would suggest from this theory and how these interventions would assist this client population in reaching counseling goals.
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