Bureaucratic control systems

Bureaucratic control is the establishment of a comprehensive system that is made up of procedures and rules that are aimed to direct the actions of particular functions, divisions and behavior of particular individuals. The various controls that are included in the bureaucratic systems include rules and procedures, how activities are standardized and budgets.

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In order for Lei to solve the discrepancy that has been associated with one of his customer associates, he needs to implement the four step control process in order to solve the problem. A bureaucratic control system does not only improve the overall operations of a company but it also empowers the individuals working in the organization based on their relative positions and hierarchy. It is applied through various rules, verification procedures and methods that are standardized.

The control systems also change the overall behavior of functions, divisions and individuals. Bureaucratic control systems are some of the most effective systems for controlling how operations are conducted within a company (Daft, 2008). They are particularly important because they foster effective decision making, the usage of the best practices and also operating procedures that are standardized. They are indeed effective and appropriate for Lei to come up with an appropriate solution that will avert future occurrences of discrepancies.

One of the first control systems is the rules that set the requirement for behavior and define the various methods for work. One of the best ways of solving the problem of discrepancy is by ensuring that there are particular rules that strongly prohibit discrepancy. These requirements will also define the required behaviors for individuals, which will consequently make it possible to track the behavior of individuals and banish those with questionable behaviors. These rules will also make it easier for the employers to define to the employees what is required of them and to further make it easier for the employees to carry out their activities in an effective manner that is free from fraud or discrepancy.

These rules will further ensure that the operations of the company are conducted in a proper manner and more so in an ethical way. In addition, this will also ensure that the employees who are hired in the company exhibit proper behaviors and integrity. This will go a long way in ensuring that such employees such as the customer associated are prohibited in the company or rather they do not get a chance to work in the company.

This will boost the integrity of employees and go a long way in eliminating factors that may inhibit the success of the company. In addition, such rules will make it possible to evaluate the behavior of employees and further make it easier for the company to conduct its activities. Moreover, it will also make it possible for the company to reward those employees that have utmost integrity and inspire others to follow the same deeds. This will go a long way in ensuring that future employees follow the set rules and guidelines which will consequently foster good behaviors and actions.

The other step is the roles that are assigned responsibilities and establishing a particular level of authority. The establishment of responsibilities and authority will go a long way in ensuring that the employees discover their responsibilities and also the authority of their employers. The other step is to record the document the activities and verify the outcomes of those activities (Skålén, 2011). The final step should be to reward the employees by providing them incentives for achievement and to also recognize the performance that is relative to the standards and the goals of the organization. In conclusion, my judgment is tailored on the notion that control systems should indeed be developed to address the aforementioned issues.


Daft, R. L. (2008). The new era of management. New York, NY: Cengage Learning EMEA.

Skålén, P. (2011). Managing service firms: The power of managerial marketing. New York, NY: Routledge.

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