Case Study: Hematologic System
Liam is an 8-year-old male with a history of hemophilia. Liam presents today with a 1-day history of right elbow pain.
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Subjective Data
- Right elbow pain for 1 day
- Patient states he hit his right elbow on desk yesterday
- Patient complains that he cannot move his elbow
Objective Data
- Weight 31.6 kg
- Vital sighs: T 37.4° C, P 82, R 20, BP 108/68
- Rates pain 6 on scale of 10
How should the nurse respond when Liam’s father explains that they watched and waited to see if Liam needed treatment after his injury?
Why are neuro checks an important part of Liam’s physical exam?
What should the nurse do in this clinical situation? Prioritize actions.