Demonstrate a systematic understanding of modem developments within business management (Knowledge & Understanding);

This assignment will assess learning outcomes:

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  1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of modem developments within business management (Knowledge & Understanding);
  2. Justify the recommendation of alternative approaches to management (Knowledge & Understanding);
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and application of international standards relating to sustainability, values & norms, and business ethics within a global context. (Application).

The Assignment Task:

Identify a business organisation within a country of your choice and conduct an investigation on business ethics and corporate social responsibility to answer the following tasks:

  1. Analyse the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the organisation relating Friedman’s theories of CSR and evaluate the organisations’ application of corporate social responsibility in relation to its stakeholders. [L01, L03]
  2. Critically analyse the ethical practices of the organisation in the light of the popular ethical theories and evaluate the underlying ethical theories behind the business practices of the organisation toward stakeholders. [L01, L02]

Assignment Assessment Criteria


Description         Weight

  1. Background of the organisation10

(6 marks)

  1. Objectives of the assignment


  1. Analyse the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the

organisation relating Friedman’s

theories of CSR. in relation to its

stakeholders.    (15 marks)

  1. Evaluate the organisations’ application of CSR in relation stakeholders:(15 marks)
  2. Critically analyse the ethical practices of the organisation in the light of the popular ethical theodes:

(15 matins)

  1. Evaluate the underlying ethical

theories behind the business

practices of the organisation toward its stakeholders.

– Employee         (5 marks)

– Customers (5 marks)

– Suppliers           (5 marks)

– Society               (5 marks)

– Govemment (5 marks)

Summa of discussion

Implementation of Harvard referencing system (minimum 10 references   Total

Guidelines to Students: Style and Format

Write down the exact number of words at the end of your essay. You may include diagrams, figures, appendices etc. without word penalty. A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed. The first page must be designed as a cover- page name, student ID and batch. Computer format is compulsory. Make sure you use a consistent format for your essay (font, font size, margins etc.).

Referencing Style for the Assessment

In the text of your assignment if you quote directly from an article, journal or book this should appear in quotation marks (‘…*). The source should then be acknowledged by stating the author’s last name and date in brackets at the end of the quotation, e.g. (Rushmore & de Roos, 2002).

If you paraphrase or reword from a journal, article or book the source should either be acknowledged within the sentence, e.g.

According to Kasavana& Brooks (2001), revenue management is……or at the end of the sentence before the full stop, e.g. (Kasavana& Brooks, 2001). At the end of the assignment all references should be listed on a separate page headed REFERENCES. Make sure that all references are complete; and that all references mentioned in the not are given in the list of references and vice versa. Any items not cited should be listed separately under


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