Film & Acting Assignment

Acting for the Camera ! Paper Guidelines Due 12/15/2015

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What the actors are DOING on a film/television show of your choice. Pick two or three actors and talk about them. You will do this using our learned vocabulary of “going tactics” and “objectives.”

Think back to examples in class, or from our examples we watched when talking about analyzing a scene. See your book for help on what a goal/objective is and how they are phrased. For example:

“I thought John Jones was effective in his role of Big-Bird. In this scene with Snaffalufagus in the third act, he tried to get him to propose to him; he did this by first pleading then later in the scene he honored him, then attacked him. In the end, he achieved his objective.”

That’s obviously a ridiculous example, but you see the point. What I wouldn’t say is:

“I thought John Jones was effective in his role of Big-Big. In his scene with Snaffalufagus in the third act, he used anger; he was mean and loud, and made lots of facial expressions in order to make Snuffy mad.”

Anger may be what he tried to portray, but BEING ANGRY can manifest itself in a lot of ways. Get it? Be SPECIFIC with what the actors are doing to each other (like in repetition). What I don’t want is a plot summary or a general summary of emotions, such as “he was angry.”

Feel free to turn in your paper before the due date, Dec. 15th and I will steer you in the right direction. Papers will not be accepted after the 15th.

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