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Assignment The Ethics of Remembrance

Assignment The Ethics of Remembrance Documentary filmmaker Claude Lanzmann has accused Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List of trivializing the holocaust by attempting to represent what cannot be represented. Philosopher Richard […]

Orientalism and Heart of Darkness

Assignment Orientalism and Heart of Darkness In Knowing the Oriental, Edward Said analyzes an attitude he calls “orientalism.” Then, in Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830-1914, Patrick Brantlinger applies this […]

Principles of Agrarianism

Principles of Agrarianism What, in your opinion, are the fundamental guiding principles of agrarianism as articulated by Wendell Berry? Note that there is more than one good answer to this […]

Deep Ecology and Religion

Deep Ecology and Religion Is deep ecology a religion? Defend your answer with reference to the assigned readings. (Hint: The Garreau and Wallace readings are helpful here, but also look […]

Christianity, Power, and Nature

Christianity, Power, and Nature Is Christianity compatible with environmentalism? Is it only the problem, or can it be part of the solution? What is Eisler’s distinction between actualization power and […]

Effective Conflict Resolution

Effective Conflict Resolution For this multi-media assignment, watch the Tim Scudder Interview . Write a discussion response about a specific conflict you have experienced with someone else.  Although preferred, the […]

Spirituality And SW Practice

Being culturally sensitive by respecting your clients’ spirituality and religious traditions, in general, is an important professional competence (Furness & Gilligan, 2010). Applying your spiritual awareness to a specific client […]