Freelance nursing writing help

hospitalization in the NICU

Having an infant that is premature and requires long term hospitalization in the NICU is not only a financial burden to the parent but can also be a financial burden […]

breastfeeding and bottle feeding

I agree with you that we as nurses should give mothers benefits of both breastfeeding and bottle feeding.  We should be giving mom specific instructions on age specific nutritional requirements […]

Alterations in Immunity

Alterations in Immunity Donna, a twenty-one-year-old nursing student, comes to her nurse practitioner in December with a five-week history of itchy eyes and nasal congestion with watery nasal discharge. She […]

acute bronchitis & pneumonia

Differentiate between the presenting signs of symptoms of a 55-year-old suffering from acute bronchitis and a 55-year-old suffering from pneumonia. In your response, discuss the most typical community-acquired pathogens involved […]

Alterations in Oxygen Transport

***Please use a current bibliography of no more than 5 years and submit the correct assignment when done*** Deb Smith, age 56, came to her nurse practitioner (NP) with fatigue, […]

Analyzing Patient Risk

NURS6341 Discussion Response #2: Analyzing Patient Risk   Respond to the discussion #2 below using the following approach: Offer and support an additional strategy a colleague might use to integrate […]

Clients with Medical Illnesses

CHAPTER 39, Clients with Medical Illnesses In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objectives: Identify common medical conditions that can have accompanying psychiatric complications or […]

pneumatic compression device prevent deep vein thrombosis

Will using intermittent pneumatic compression device prevent deep vein thrombosis after orthopedic surgery ? Person – Post  operative  orthopedic  patients  in  a  hospital. Intervention –Does the use of intermittent pneumatic […]

Nutrition Post

How big is your protein footprint? Main source of protein is chicken or shrimp. Does a meat-rich diet have a negative impact on our environment?  Does it contribute to global […]