Freelance nursing writing help

Health and Illness in Your Community

Health and Illness in Your Community Evaluate your perception of health and illness in the community in which you work/live. Include an experiential experience of how you either observed or […]

massive innovation funded by the ACA

Review the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Identfiy the massive innovation funded by the Affordable Care Act and discuss a model that relies on technology to promote optimal patient […]

Cardiovascular Diabetology

Details:   Identify a research or evidence-based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children.   In […]

Case Study: Burns

Case Study: Burns   Anthony M. is a 56-year old male admitted to the ER with burns to the anterior right arm, left leg, anterior torso, and face from a […]


TRICARE What are some of the various eligibility criteria needed in order to be covered under Tricare? What types of benefits and billing considerations are there with the Tricare products?

Future of Healing Hands

Key Assignment Final Paper – Report of Findings to Mr. Magone, CEO, Healing Hands Hospital and the “Future of Healing Hands” Task Force Continue to use the scenario to assist […]

Early Childhood Autism

For this Assignment you are going to view a video of an example of a self-contained classroom that is structured for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). You will then […]