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Male child A.H born 2014. His mother A.A born 1989. His father A.H born 1990. They have been married since 2010. Mom has bachelor degree in fashion, is stay at home mom. Father has master degree in education, works as vice principle of a high school.

Maternal grandfather M.A. born 1952. Maternal grandmother S.M born 1958. Married since 1977. Maternal A.A born 1979, brother A.A born 1983, brother A.A born 1985, sister D.A born 1987, mom is youngest. Maternal grandparents work family dairy business.

Paternal grandparents married since 1982. Grandfather A.H born 1956, works own distribution company. Grandmother D.M born 1965 works as a substitute teacher. Sister M.H born 1984, brother N.H born 1986, (dad), sister, M.H born 1996.

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