Watch this video and do the paper below, kindly followall instructions, I need 3 pages. Due 10 am pst on saturday.


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through the paper link on course Blackboard Assignments page (where you will also find the film)

The purpose of this film and assignment is to bring together many of the ideas, terms, actors, and interests you have learned about in this course and to demonstrate vividly how they play out in real life and can affect hundreds of thousands of people’s lives.  The assignment addresses almost all learning objectives in the course as well as the university GE writing requirement.


After viewing the film (for your last two online classes), write a 2-3 page double-spaced response paper (approximately 600 words + references).

v  Your paper should be a clearly written response to the film that integrates the film with what you have learned in this course.  Explain both your reaction to the film and what the film tells us about international relations and different actors in international politics.  (Discuss at least two or three different points about IR you learned that are exemplified in the film).

v  You may wish to use assigned readings or other acceptable academic or news sources to integrate relevant facts or otherwise support your analysis.  This will likely strengthen your paper (and therefore your grade).

v  You may also wish to integrate IR theory into your argument.

v  You may highlight some parts of the film you found interesting or important but do not write a long summary of the film or explanation of the plot.  (I’ve seen it!)

v  All of the “facts” stated in your paper should be correct.

v  Your paper should be proofread and written clearly with correct grammar, spelling, and citations.  See the “Writing Refresher” PowerPoint under Blackboard Assignments for guidance.  Remember to cite and quote all sources appropriately to avoid failing for plagiarism. 

v  Include your last name and first initial in the name of your file (e.g. Ram_M_Rwanda).  Do not include any special characters (e.g. #, %, &, or spaces) as Blackboard does not fully support them.  All files must have a correct extension (e.g., .docx, .pdf) in order for them to open.

v  After you submit your paper, Blackboard will automatically indicate if it was submitted successfully – you may wish to save a copy of this screen.  No hard copy of your paper is required.  No late papers will be accepted.


The film is also available in the library (disc PN1997.2 .H68 2005 c.2) if you prefer to watch it there or organize a small group showing in one of the viewing rooms in the Music/Media area on the 3rd floor.

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