HP Strategies & Tactics

First, watch BOTH the Building Healthier Communities(Boston REACH Coalition video) and the Testimony to the Labor Health and Human Services Committee videos (Dr. Randy) located in the learning activities videos for this week.

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Boston REACH Coalition video:

· Describe and explain two coalition concepts you learned and saw reinforced in the Boston REACH Coalition video. Use chapter 12  in the text to aid in identifying coalition concepts.  Be specific in describing the concepts.

· Additionally, specifically describe the contributions of health disparities to morbidity (disease, illness) and mortality among the communities and groups of focus in the video. What contributes to these disparities? How can Boston REACH possibly improve these issues and why?

Testimony to the Labor Health and Human Services Video:

· Describe and specifically explain two advocacy concepts you learned and saw reinforced by watching Dr. Randy Paush’s testimony to the Labor Health and Human Services board. Use chapter 13 in your text to aid in identifying advocacy concepts.

· How can voluntary policies, local ordinances, state law and federal law (all considered system factors) affect health outcomes in target populations? Describe and support your response. Hint, review pp. 335-337 in your text.

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