There are many integrated delivery system organizations providing health care.
Identify a specific company, by name, and identify which type of IDS it is.
“North Shore is my pick”
North Shore – Long Island Jewish Health System (Great Neck, N.Y.) — 13 hospitals. This system was named one of the top 30 most integrated by SDI Health in 2010. It is the nation’s second-largest non-profit, secular healthcare system, with more than 5,600 hospital and long-term care beds, more than 9,000 physicians and 10,000 nurses and other healthcare professionals. It has 42,000 employees, making it the largest employer on Long Island. North Shore won the National Quality Forum’s 2010 National Quality Healthcare Award and the Joint Commission’s Codman Award, the first health system to attain this distinction.
What is the difference between this business model for a health care provider versus a PPO where patients can choose the various components of providers from anywhere?