Length 2-3 pages; double spaced;
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Research (or ideally, READ) the book “McDonaldization of Society” written by George Ritzer. The first edition was released in 1993. Look for a youtube video of a lecture or interview with George Ritzer.
Address the following in your essay:
- In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the main points in “McDonaldization of Society.”
- What is McDonaldization? What are some examples of McDonaldization given in the book?
- What are some of the advantages of McDonaldization? Discuss efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control.
- What is rationality and how does it relate to Ritzer’s argument?
- Do you think the advantages of McDonaldization outweigh the disadvantages? Explain.
- Summarize a youtube video you watched of George Ritzer.
- Research Max Weber’s view of bureaucracy (including pages 72-73 in our book). How is it similar/different to Ritzer’s use of McDonaldization?
- List five (5) ways in your daily life that you could resist McDonaldization.