MN580 Advanced Practice Nursing/Written Assignment: Collaboration Paper

The paper must demonstrate independent ideas and conclusions.  At a minimum, the following topics must be well articulated in the paper.

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Please refer to the grading rubric for how your paper will be graded.

Please use headings while answering the questions below.  

  • 1. Explain how multidisciplinary collaboration can affect clinical decision making.
  • 2. Discuss how collaboration can lead to improved patient outcomes.
  • 3. Discuss how lack of collaboration can lead to poor patient outcomes.
  • 4. Identify three barriers to professional collaboration among healthcare professionals and patients?
  • 5. What are the five best ways to promote professional collaboration in pediatric primary care?
  • 6. How can the nurse practitioner encourage and support collaboration among the patient, family, caregivers, and healthcare professionals?
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