Title of Paper
Name: S. W. 35-year-old Asian female, Buddhist. 5’2, 95 pounds. Single, light activity. She has history of HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, poor dentition. She has fixed income with limited family. Current diet: National institute of Health: 1200 calorie diet. She currently takes Antiretroviral therapy: Prezcobix (Darunabir 800mg and cobicistat 150mg) 1 tab daily, and Calcium 1000mg daily.
Part 1:
Criterion One
In this section, you will discuss his/her current diet (1200 calorie diet) and how they are in excess or deficient in carbs, protein, and fats. Be specific and provide examples for each macronutrient (carbs, protein and fats). Look up basic diets for the type of diet mentioned. For example, if talking about a fast food diet, lookup a common meal at Burger King, MacDonald’s or your favorite fast food restaurant
Please add: The five vegetables Onions, Garlic, Scallions, Chives and Leeks, are avoided by some Buddhists.
Criterion Two
In this section, you want to discuss at least 5 micronutrients your patient is either deficient in or in excess of. Explain the micronutrient (what it is, why important and RDA) and provide examples on how they are deficient or in excess of the micronutrient. Give examples, again look at the nutrition guidelines for the diet you looked up in criterion one.
Micronutrients in HIV-positive persons receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy
Part 2:
Criterion One:
In this section discuss the pathophysiology of the patient’s disease processes (ex. HIV/AIDS, malnutrition and poor dentition). After the pathophysiology discuss how the foods the patient is consuming will affect these disorders. Provide at least 3 examples of the foods this patient should avoid and foods they should consume to prevent further problems. Explain why.
Criterion Two
In this section discuss the patient’s medications: Prezcobix (Darunabir 800mg and cobicistat 150mg) and Calcium. Discuss what the meds are and what foods should be avoided or any other patient education regarding the patient’s medications and diet.
Part 3:
Criterion One:
Based on the information in the patient profile calculate the patients: BMI (17.4), BMR (1,079), CHO, Protein (38 grams of protein X 4 calories per gram = 152 calories from protein) and fat needs. These are not RDA %, they are actual specific client needs to be based on their weight and height. Include all of the actual calculations for each section.
Please see the website below and it will give you the formulas on how to calculate carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Determine the fat intake based on your patient’s comorbidities. In the assignment directions, you will also find out how to calculate each calculation.
You can find how to calculate the BMR and your BMI in your textbook.
Criterion Two:
Develop a nutritional educational plan based on the nutritional needs of this patient. Include three SMART goals and provide 2-3 specific nursing strategies for this patient to help him/her reach the goals. Give rationales for the strategies.
SMART goal:
Example of a SMART goal
By December 12, 2018(timed), the client will write three diet (measurable and specific) modifications to decrease the amount of sodium he consumes (specific, realistic and attainable)
Then you will provide 3 nursing strategies to help this patient achieve his goal.