Outline the five aspects of language knowledge (phonetic, semantic, syntactic, morphemic, and pragmatic) and discuss your role in addressing each of these areas of development for infants and toddlers.

Language Knowledge and Interaction Patterns for Infants and Toddlers
In this week’s reading, you learned about the five aspects of language knowledge.

Please outline the five aspects of language knowledge (phonetic, semantic, syntactic, morphemic, and pragmatic) and discuss your role in addressing each of these areas of development for infants and toddlers.

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  • Select the activity “Shop til you drop” lesson plan from http://www.readingrockets.org/article/27877/

    Evaluate whether or not the lesson is developmentally appropriate for toddlers using DAP principles and the Receptive Language Chart in your reading.

    Reading Rockets. (2013). Activities to Encourage Your Toddler. Retrieved from http://www.readingrockets.org/article/27877/.

  • Evaluate and label the components of each part of the lesson using the five aspects of language knowledge (phonetic, semantic, syntactic, morphemic, and pragmatic) were addressed in the lesson. If an aspect of language knowledge is not included in the lesson provided, then please revise the grocery story “Shop til you drop” lesson to include any of the five aspects of language knowledge (phonetic, semantic, syntactic, morphemic, and pragmatic) not identified in lesson. Expand on this lesson with your revision. Please be sure to support your answer with research and references.
  • As an early childhood professional, you will also want to work to establish developmentally appropriate practices i n light of this understanding and your use of the chart, “Foundation: Receptive Language”:



    Please write a scenario that includes the interaction patterns that you would engage in when caring for a toddler or infant. Please share the age of the infant or toddler that you are using in your scenario.

    CA Dept. of Education. (2013). Foundation: Receptive Language. Retrieved from  http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/itf09landevfdrl.asp.

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