The perspective of community in behavioral health services

The perspective of community in behavioral health services has changed over the last several decades. It has evolved from isolation to being community-operated services.

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Read the following articles from the EBSCO host database:

  • Ahr, P. (2005, January). Community mental health principles: A 40-year        case

    study. Behavioral Health Management25(1), 15–17.

  • Bazemore, P. (2005, July). When state hospitals were communities.

    Behavioral Health Management25(4), 10–12.

  • Oss, M. (2004, May). All roads lead to community-based care.

    Behavioral Health Management24(2), 6.

  • Edwards, D. J. (2005). The Behavioral Health Industry. Behavioral Health |

    Management, 25(3), 49.

Review the articles to create a synopsis on the perspective of community in behavioral health services. In the synopsis, make sure to include the following pointers:

  • Compare and contrast the differences between the isolation principles of institutional care and the present-day community-based services.
  • Analyze whether community-based services provide better care and treatment for those diagnosed with persistent mental illness. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Analyze whether there is a purpose behind providing institutional care to individuals diagnosed with persistent mental illness. Provide a rationale for your response.
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