Professional Nursing Concepts and Challenges 

#1 – The Lived Expression of a Nurse

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Being a brand-new nurse, I wanted to focus on interviewing a nurse that had a little more experience than me. I had the pleasure of interviewing one of my co-workers, Ayah, who worked on my floor for a year and recently transferred to the ICU about 6 months ago. She graduated from Broward College in 2016 and has been at my hospital ever since. Being as she had just transferred to a department of higher care, I decided to focus on Benner’s Stage of Nursing Proficiency. Based on my interview and of the clinical skills she demonstrated, I would place her in the competent practitioner’s stage. This stage usually occurs with 2-3 years after of experience in a nursing setting (Black, 2014). She recalled that at the beginning that she had difficulty prioritizing needs and wants of patients. At times, she stated that she would feel lost on how to proceed with her days. Over the course of 2 years, she progressively grew as a nurse and would seek out opportunities as a nurse. Eventually, she was able to see the bigger picture with her patients and was able to think “outside of the box” when situations arose.

I learned a lot from interviewing my coworker. The overall feeling that I got from her is that proficiency takes time to achieve. I can empathize with her because I am currently going through what she went through as a new nurse. Sometimes I feel uncertain of myself and lost when I’m working, and it was comforting to see that I’m not the only one that goes through this. She stated that you need specific knowledge and values to attain your role as a competent nurse, and that’s exactly what I am going to seek out.


Black, B. P. (2014). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges(7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders, 121-122.

#2 – I had the pleasure to interview a new registered nurse named Khadijah who works in the burn intensive care unit. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences in 2016 and became an RN in 2017. After passing her Florida state boards, Khadijah relocated to her home state of Georgia to begin a year-long nurse residency program at Grady Memorial Hospital.

Khadijah has completed her 13-week orientation and is now on the floor on her own charting, administering medications, and performing nursing tasks. At the very beginning of her orientation process, Khadijah admitted that she was overwhelmed with all the information in regards to hospital policies and procedures. According to Cohen’s Model of Basic Student Socialization, the first stage of unilateral dependence correlates with Khadijah’s initial impressions (Black, 2016). The first stage of Cohen’s model describes the student’s limited background knowledge and significant dependence on a preceptor or mentor (Black, 2016, p. 94). Within 4 weeks of orientation, Khadijah learned many valuable skills that were particular to her burn unit, such as wound care. She still felt like she didn’t depend on her preceptor as much as she did in the beginning and felt more comfortable with the charting system. Cohen’s second stage, negativity/independence, is associated with this phase in Khadijah’s orientation process. The second stage in Cohen’s model relates to the reduced dependence on the student’s preceptor or mentor (Black, 2016, p. 94). Khadijah’s critical thinking capacity as a nurse is challenged and she began to gain more confidence in herself. The third stage in Cohen’s model (p. 95) is called dependence/mutuality and it explains the consideration of concepts and ideas from preceptors or teachers (Black, 2016). I believe this is the stage that Khadijah is currently at as a new nurse who recently completed the orientation process. She is able to receive information from her preceptor and other experienced nurses and then filter what applies to her in regards to patient care.

This assignment to interview a new nurse was informative and refreshing because I learned about the personal experiences of someone who finished their orientation process of a nurse residency program. I am a new registered nurse who is excited to begin my nurse residency program in a couple weeks and I believe and am in the first stage of Benner’s Stages of Nursing Proficiency. As a novice nurse, I know I will follow the policies and procedures of the hospital to keep myself and patients safe (Black, 2016).


Black, B. P. (2017). Professional Nursing Concepts and Challenges (8th ed.). (pp. 94-96). Maryland Heights, MI: Elsevier/Saunders.

– I need good short responses to these two post. Must be a decent length and have APA style citations with at least one reference.

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