Public Relations

One issue with which PR practitioners are charged is changing ideas that have been embedded for years; therefore, change may be difficult to implement. As the leader of your Communications Division at RIDOT, the director has asked you to come up with a campaign to get people to refer to South County by its “real name,” Washington County. Please remember to correctly cite and reference sources according to MLA format.Your paper should be two pages in length,12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and stapled.

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You may include other agencies or organization that might be instrumental in developing a successful campaign. You do not need to include what those agencies will do, but you should include why it is important to have them on board.

Remember key factors that the class considered when discussing the Abundant Forests Alliance’s campaign and other in class campaigns. Review your notes to see how you should shape this campaign.

Define the issue, stakeholders, the importance (the need) and determine how you would evaluate if your campaign worked.

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