2 to 3 pages
The Director of Sales, Jorge Muñoz, has approached you to recommend training for new sales representatives.
We will write a custom paper specifically for you.
In the form of an e-mail (placed in a Word Document), complete the following:
- Identify the training objectives
- What will the trainee know and be able to do upon completion of training?
- Include the quality of performance and the conditions under which performance occurs.
- Write up an audience analysis that includes the following:
- Skills, needs, and interests of the target training group
- Relevant background knowledge
- When, where, and how the training should be delivered
- Any additional information you think is important to include
- Direct your recommendations to Mr. Muñoz
To help you identify the type of work sales representatives perform, check out the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics (using the resources in course materials). Perform your search by job title or by using an alphabetical search.