review the following videos – Duran, V. M. (2013). Emotion contagion.

review the following videos 

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  1. Duran, V. M. (2013). Emotion contagion. Retrieved
  2. Maschio, J. (2014). Emotions and behavior. [Video]. Unpublished.

Part 2: Observe someone’s behavior in a public setting. Your task is to identify an emotion being expressed by an individual such as happiness, anger, frustration, etc., and relate it to the emotional approach to understanding abnormal behavior.

Part 3: In 1–2 pages, address the following:

  1. Describe the individual’s behavior.
  2. Identify the specific emotion the person expressed (e.g., scared, worried, happy, etc.).
  3. Refer directly to the components of emotions and the section on the emotions (pp. 57–60) and discuss how emotions might explain the influence and motive behind the individual’s behavior. Include a detailed discussion of one of the components of emotion (cognitive aspect of emotion, emotion and behavior, and physiological of emotion) to support your answer.

Submitting Your Assignment

Referring to the textbook, complete the Unit 4 Learning Activity Template. Complete the document in 1–2 pages, using APA writing style, and save it in a location with your first and last name in the title. When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below:


  1. Maschio, J. (2014). Emotions and behavior. [Video]. Unpublished.

Part 2: Observe someone’s behavior in a public setting. Your task is to identify an emotion being expressed by an individual such as happiness, anger, frustration, etc., and relate it to the emotional approach to understanding abnormal behavior.

Part 3: In 1–2 pages, address the following:

  1. Describe the individual’s behavior.
  2. Identify the specific emotion the person expressed (e.g., scared, worried, happy, etc.).
  3. Refer directly to the components of emotions and the section on the emotions (pp. 57–60) and discuss how emotions might explain the influence and motive behind the individual’s behavior. Include a detailed discussion of one of the components of emotion (cognitive aspect of emotion, emotion and behavior, and physiological of emotion) to support your answer.

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