The various reading materials for the course describe “scientific skepticism” and identifies six (6) principles of scientific thinking. It also discusses pseudopsychology and pseudoscientific claims.
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- Select any two (2) of the six principles that you think are most important to the study of psychology, then explain your reasons why these are most important?
- Now find:
a recent newspaper or magazine article, or a “pop psychology” article or website, that presents a simplified psychological theory/explanation
a psychology-related advertisement that makes claims of success about their method of learning, memorization, thinking ability, etc.
- Identify in your own words, what part of this article, website or ad appears like pseudopsychology and/or is pseudoscientific. Attach an electronic link to the source so others can read the content too.
- Finally, specifically describe how you might now use or have recently used one or more of these six principles to think more critically about psychology or related topics ( advertising claims, article claims, newspaper or magazine articles, etc.) ?