Read the article “Self-Portraits and Portraits of the Self Online” by Layan Jawdat, and write a response to each of the following questions.
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- Are there parts of the article that you agree with or identify with? What are they? Describe why you identify or agree with them. (0.5 points)
- Are there parts of the article that you disagree with? What are they? Describe why you disagree with them. (0.5 points)
- Do you make a distinction between the photographs you take for this course and the photographs you would post on Facebook? If so why? If not, why not? (0.5 points)
- After reading this article, what is your definition of a self-portrait? Is it the same as a selfie? (0.5 points)
- In the article, the author mentions American author Mark Twain and his affinity for self-portraits. Explain the reasoning given in the article for why Mark Twain liked self-portraits. (0.5 points)
- This is a quote from the article: “The way in which photographs are interpreted and understood is beyond the scope of what is ‘in’ the photograph: photographs are not simply the things they represent, but must be read through the culture that creates and consumes them.” Explain what this quote means to you. (0.5 points)