Sociology in a Global Perspective


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First, select one of the following articles to read:


    • Fantasia, Rick. (1995). From class consciousness to culture, action, and social organization. Annual Review of Sociology, 21, p. 267-289.
    • Martin, Karin A. (1998). Becoming a gendered body. American Sociological Review, 63(4), p. 494-511.
    • McKinlay, John B., Lin, Ting, Freund, Karen, & Moskowitz, Mark. (2002). The Unexpected influence of physician attributes on clinical decisions: Results of an experiment. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 43(1), p. 92-106.
    • Whitbeck, Les B., Hoyt, Dan R., McMorris, Barbara J., Chen, Xiaojin, & Stubben, Jerry D. (2001). Perceived discrimination and early substance abuse among American Indian children. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 42(4), p. 405-424.


Second, answer the following questions in an organized essay:


    • What is the social problem the researchers are investigating?
    • What is the research method (i.e.: survey, participant observation, experiment, secondary sources) used by the researchers?
    • What were the results or findings of the research?


o   What do you think would be a good solution to the social problem?

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