Now that you have uploaded the GSS dataset into your SPSS and have taken a look at the Codebook, you are going to create and post a frequency table of your variables. Complete the following steps:
Give your forum title a unique label specific to your study/variables. Post a brief explanation of your topic which includes a bit of information about your variables (label them clearly). Include frequency tables and histograms for each of your variables. Explain this data in no more than 5 sentences (each variable).
To create a frequency table in SPSS
1. Open SPSS and open your GSS data file
2. Click Analyze
3. Click Descriptive Statistics
4. Click Frequencies
5. click open Statistics
6. make sure that mean, median, mode, standards deviation, and variance are chosen and click Continue
7. Choose the variable that you want to make a frequency table of and click the arrow (this will move it into the right ‘Variable’ box)
8. Click OK
Presenting your data in graphic form is also important when conducting quantitative research. Based on what you have learned from the reading and the weekly lesson, create a graphic representation of your data. Directions for each can be found in your textbook. You can also follow the following steps, but remember to format the chart accordingly (labels, black and white color, etc.).
To Create a Chart
1. Follow steps 1-4 above (without worrying about the Statistics).
2. Click Charts
3. Click choice of format
4. Click OK
5. Continue with steps 5-6
Export all of the frequency tables and charts by copy and pasting them into the textbox below.
Instructions for all Forums:
Sociology lives when we engage it – we read about it, we discuss it, we debate it, we frame our research questions with it, we put it to the test of empiricism, and every once in a while we build it ourselves. Therefore, the success of this course depends on all of us thoroughly engaging it. One of the most important parts of the course will be the discussions and debates we participate in, in our Forum. These discussions need to be informed by thorough reading of the assigned texts.
Each week, learners will post one initial post per week. This post must demonstrate comprehension of the course materials, the ability to apply that knowledge in the real world, active presence. Learners will engage with the instructor and peers through rich responses to their posts. To motivate engaged discussion, posts are expected to be on time with regular interaction throughout the week. All posts should demonstrate college level writing skills. To promote vibrant discussion as we would in a face to face classroom, formatted citations and references are not required. Quotes should not be used at all, or used sparingly. If you quote a source quotation marks should be used and an APA formatted citation and reference provided.