Before you begin this assignment, be sure you:
1. Read the “UMUC Haircuts Case Study” & review “Walmart Example.”
2. Review the process you identified in stage one and your instructor’s feedback on all previous assignments.
Text Box: Purpose of this Assignment This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply the concepts of this course to address the planning, development, implementation and on-going management of the technology solution you have proposed for the UMUC Haircuts business. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable you to: • identify and plan IT solutions that meet business objectives.
Overview of Outline of Next Steps for UMUC Hair Cuts
For your Stage Case Study1, you identified a strategy for competitive advantage and a business process that you would improve through the application of technology to a business process for UMUC Haircuts.
For your Stage 2, you identified a proposed IT solution to improve that business process. Your research included planning for IT and business resources, identifying solution components, and identifying ways the new technology would improve the business process and support the strategy for competitive analysis. Modeling the AS IS and TO BE Processes helped identify the steps in the business process you are improving for UMUC Haircuts.
In Stage 3, you evaluated IT considerations as to their role and importance to the proposed IT solution to be implemented to improve the business process for UMUC Haircuts.
In Stage 4, you prepared an Executive Briefing of your findings, including project management, the system development life cycle, and change management.
In Stage 5, you will prepare an annotated outline of the next steps in the Implementation of Your Information Technology Solution which also includes next steps in the areas of project management, the system development life cycle, and change management.
Outline of Next Steps for UMUC Haircuts
Following your presentation of your Stage 4 project, the owner of UMUC Haircuts has decided to move ahead and implement your proposed solution. Prior to beginning the project, the owner has asked you to prepare an outline explaining the next steps. For this assignment, you will develop an annotated outline that identifies the next steps to implement the solution described in Stages 2-4, addressing a number of areas such as project management, system development life cycle, change management, etc.
Annotated Outline:
An annotated outline provides the basic information in full sentences, but in outline form rather than in paragraph form.
· In this case, you will address each aspect of the next steps to be taken to implement your technology solution.
· You should provide all of the important facts, without the expanded discussions used in full papers.
· Each of the topics in the assignment list should be explained as they apply to your proposed technology solution and to UMUC Haircuts.
· Use a few sentences for each topic and provide information specific to your solution.
Outline Resources:
Create a document outline in Word from Microsoft:
Information for creating outlines in all versions of WORD:
You Tube: How To Create an Outline in Microsoft Word
An outline example. (Please note that full sentences are required for this assignment): It is recommended that you use no more than 3 levels for clarity. Use Roman Numerals for the highest level entries. Using the automatic outlining format in Word will help:
Additional Concepts:
· To address all aspects of the assignment, you should look back at the Case Study to see how the process to improve was being done before the implementation of the IT solution.
· Then review your process models to see how you expected the process to be improved with technology,
· Review your proposed solution thinking about how it will be introduced into the business in the Case Study and what changes may be needed.
· Each of these is defined in the assignment instructions. These are also areas for which you may want or need to do some external research:
· Business Process Changes – how the business process(es) will be need to change once your technology solution is implemented
· Employee Training -Identify and explain employee training in relationship to proposed solution using course vocabulary and concepts.
· Leadership Expectations – Management’s expectations on how process will run once implemented.
· Defining Success – state the indications of success for your proposed solution demonstrating understanding of course solutions and concepts.
Assignment: UMUC Haircuts Stage 5:
Your annotated outline should address the next steps in each of the following areas that UMUC Haircuts will take to implement your technology solution:
I. Project Description:
A. VERY brief description of proposed technology solution, including such
things as:
1. Strategy for competitive advantage;
2. What business process is being improved
B. Left Arrow: Write complete sentences in your annotated outlineIT Components needed to implement the project
1. Major hardware employed
2. Software needed to implement project
3. Facility Requirements
4. Telecommunication needs
C. Business resources need to complete the project.
1. It Skills & Services
2. Business/Managerial Resources
II. Project Management
A. Scope
B. Schedule
C. Human resource management
D. Financial resource management
E. Deliverables
III. System Development Life Cycle (all phases and how they apply to your solution)
A. System Investigation
B. System Analysis
C. System Design
D. Programming
E. Testing
F. Implementation
G. Operations and Maintenance
IV. Business Process Changes (how the business process(es) will be need to change once your technology solution is implemented)
V. Employee Training (training that employees will need to use the new system effectively, and how it will be conducted)
VI. Leadership Expectations (the owner’s expectations of how the project will be managed and what it will produce)
VII. Defining Success (what will be “measured” to determine if the process has been improved, and if the business strategy and objectives are being met)
VIII. References:
Provide at least one external resource in your paper on an area of your choice. An external resource is a resource other than those provided in the class or text book. Incorporate a properly formatted APA citation in the text of your document. Then, place an APA style resource on a reference page at the end of your document.
Additional Instructions:
Formatting: Stage Five Next Steps submission.
For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, and our. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed.
· Write a short concise outline: 2-3 double spaced pages of content.
· Use at least one external resources with APA formatted citation and reference
· Include a title page and a reference page.
· Make sure all entries in your annotated outline are complete sentences.
· Compare your final work to the rubric to be sure you have met content and quality criteria.
· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.
· Your submission should include your last name first in the filename: Lastname_firstname_Stage _5
Formatting Note: How to Double-Space an Outline:
Type your entire outline then, highlight all of the text
Right-click to get a content sensitive help menu
Select paragraph
Choose the Line Spacing Section – Selection “double”
The “right” and “wrong” answers have to do with whether or not you correctly incorporated the concepts from the course and addressed all areas of the assignment. Your “next steps” must be defined specifically for UMUC Haircuts, addressing its operation and its environment and your technology solution. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects.
Case Study, Stage 5 Rubric : Outline of Next Steps
Far Above Standards
Above Standards
Meets Standards
60-69% Below Standards
< 60% Well Below Standards
Possible Points
Project Description
9-10 Points
Concise, complete and accurate description of proposed technology solution includes strategy, process, IT componentsand business resources, and is provided using course vocabulary and written in third person.
8 Points
Brief and concise description of proposed technology solution includes strategy, process, IT components, and business resources and is provided using course vocabulary and written in third person.
7 Points
Brief but adequate description of proposed technology solution is provided and includes strategy, process, IT componentsand business resources.
6 Points
Proposed technology solution description may be lengthy or inadequate.
0-5 Points
Project not described or description cannot be understood
Project Management
18-20 Points
This section includes a clear and complete discussion of scope, schedule, human and financial resource manage-ment, and deliver-ables; is clearly aligned to case study and technology solution; demon-strates thorough understand-ing of project manage-ment course vocabulary and concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
16-17 Points
This section includes a clear discussion of scope, schedule, human and financial resource management, and deliverables; is aligned to the case study and technology solution; demonstrates understanding of project management course vocabulary and concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
14-15 Points
The major components of project manage-ment are described and are appropriate to the case study and the proposed solution.
12-13 Points
The components of project manage-ment are partially covered and/or are somewhat appropriate to the case study project; and may be lacking in demon-stration of understand-ing of course concepts, analysis, and/or critical thinking.
0-11 Points
Project manage-ment compon-ents not included; very few details provided; or are not applied to the case study project.
System Develop-
ment Life Cycle (SDLC)
18-20 Points
The seven phases of the SDLC (system investiga-tion, analysis, design, program-ing, testing, implement-ation, and operations & mainten-ance) are thoroughly covered and well aligned to the proposed solution; and clearly demon-strates an understand-ing of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
16-17 Points
The seven phases of the SDLC (system investigation, analysis, design, programming, testing, implementation, and operations & maintenance) are well covered and aligned to the proposed solution; and demonstrates understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
14-15 Points
The seven phases of the SDLC (system investiga-tion, analysis, design, program-ing, testing, implement-ation, and operations & mainten-ance) are included and adequately aligned to the proposed solution and the case study.
12-13 Points
All seven phases of the SDLC are not covered, and/or explana-tions are not aligned to the proposed solution; may be lacking in demonstra-tion of understand-ing of course concepts, analysis, and/or critical thinking.
0-11 Points
SDLC not included; is incorrectly addressed; or demon-strates little effort.
Business Process
9-10 Points
The business process changes are fully explained and well aligned to the proposed solution and appropriate to the case study; clearly demon-strates an understand-ing of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
8 Points
The business process changes are explained and are appropriate to the proposed solution and to the case study; and demonstrate understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
7 Points
The business process changes are appropriate to the proposed solution and the case study.
6 Points
The business process changes are somewhat appropriate to the proposed solution and/or the case study.
0-5 Points
Business process changes are not addressed correctly or are not appropriate to the proposed solution and/or the case study.
Employee Training
5 Points
Training plan is described in full, includes training employees require to use the system effectively and how it will be delivered; is well aligned to the proposed solution and to the case study and clearly demon-strates a thorough understand-ing of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
4 Points
Training plan is described, includes training employees require to use the system effectively and how it will be delivered; is appropriate to the proposed solution and to the case study and demonstrates an understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
3.5 Points
Training plan includes training employees require to use the system effectively and how it will be delivered; is appropriate to the proposed solution and to the case study.
3 Points
Training described includes some of training required and/or how it will be delivered; is somewhat appropriate to the proposed solution and/or case study.
0-2 Points
Training is not addressed or is not appropriate to the proposed solution and/or case study.
Leadership Expectations
5 Points
Leadership expecta-tions include the owner’s expecta-tions of how the project will be managed and what it will produce are thoroughly described and are well aligned to the proposed solution and to the case study; clearly demon-strates a very good understand-ing of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
4 Points
Leadership expectations include the owner’s expectations of how the project will be managed and what it will produce are explained and are appropriate to the proposed solution and to the case study; demonstrates an understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
3.5 Points
Leadership expecta-tions cover the owner’s expecta-tions of how the project will be managed and what it will produce and are appropriate to the proposed solution and to the case study.
3 Points
Leadership expecta-tions include some of the owner’s expecta-tions of how the project will be managed and/or what it will produce; are somewhat appropriate to the proposed solution and/or the case study.
0-2 Points
Leadership expecta-tions are not addressed or are not appropriate to the proposed solution and/or the case study.
Defining Success
5 Points
This section provides several fully described measures of success (what will be measured to determine if the process has been improved, and if the business strategy and objectives are being met); measures are clearly aligned to the strategy, the process, the case study and the proposed solution; and clearly demonstrates an understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
4 Points
This section provides several measures of success (what will be measured to determine if the process has been improved, and if the business strategy and objectives are being met); measures are aligned to the strategy, the process, the case study and the proposed solution; and demonstrates understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking.
3.5 Points
Definition of success for the proposed solution is measurable and appropriate to the solution and the case study.
3 Points
Definition of success for the proposed technology solution is not measurable; and/or is somewhat appropriate for the solution and/or the case study.
0-2 Points
Definition of success is not provided; does not include any measure-able attributes; or is not appropriate to the proposed solution and/or the case study.
External Research
9-10 Points
Two or more sources other than the course material are incorpor-ated and used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely and contribute to the analysis and support conclusions.
References are appropri-ately incorpor-ated and cited using APA style.
8 Points
At least one source other than the course material is incorporated and used effectively. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.
7 Points
At least one external resource is used and properly incorpor-ated. Reference is cited using APA style.
6 Points
A source other than the textbook may be used, but is not properly incorpor-ated or used and/or is not effective or appropriate; and/or does not follow APA style for references and citations.
0-5 Points
No external research incorpor-ated; or reference listed is not cited within the text.
Outline Format
14-15 Points
Outline is profession-ally presented using sophisti-cated writing (written in third person using full sentences) and is very well organized. Very few or no errors; demon-strates correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling.
12-13 Points
Outline reflects effective organization; full sentences are used; may have few errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format.
10-11 Points
Outline is organized; full sentences are used; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar and spelling.
9 Points
Outline is not well organized; full sentences are not used; and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors.
0-8 Points
Paper is not in annotated outline format; outline is extremely poorly written and/or does not convey the inform-ation.
TOTAL Points Possi