Contemporary Media Critique

Contemporary Media Critique

Write a 750 word, critical, subjective review of a television show. While this paper is based on your personal opinion and professional observation, it must still be structured like an expository paper, with an opening that declares your viewpoint, supporting observations in the paragraphs that follow and a strong summation that explains how the points you have articulated support your original point of view. Make sure to include a minimum of three sources that support the point you are trying to make.

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The paper should use the basics of APA format (12 point font, double space, 1 inch margins, Time New Roman or similar font, numbered pages). You do not need an abstract for this assignment

Write a 750 word, critical, subjective review of a television show. While this paper is based on your personal opinion and professional observation, it must still be structured like an expository paper, with an opening that declares your viewpoint, supporting observations in the paragraphs that follow and a strong summation that explains how the points you have articulated support your original point of view. Make sure to include a minimum of three sources that support the point you are trying to make.


The paper should use the basics of APA format (12 point font, double space, 1 inch margins, Time New Roman or similar font, numbered pages). You do not need an abstract for this assignment

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