1. Clinical mental health counselors have resources and support through many different professional organizations. The American Counseling Association is the primary organization that lobbies and supports the practice rights of clinical mental health counselors. Go to the American Counseling Association’s Web site and explore the various divisions and branches, as well as your state’s Web site. Additionally, go to Chi Sigma Iota, which is the national honors society for counseling learners in CACREP accredited programs. Visit the Capella chapter Chi Upsilon Chi (CUC). Additionally, visit the CUC chapter on iGuide. Although you are not eligible for this honor at this time, you may become eligible to be initiated into the honors society during your residency. Note: Links to these Web sites are provided in this unit’s studies.

For this discussion, please complete the following:

  • Describe one division of the ACA that is of interest to you, including membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current issues.
  • Post your ACA region.
  • What is the cost for you to join and be a member?
  • Provide the necessary requirements for your entrance into the Chi Sigma Iota honor society.
  • Discuss why it is important for you to be part of the counseling profession’s associations as well as your honor society.



2.Clinical mental health counselors are subject to the laws of professional credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards in their own states. Post the professional organizations, preparation standards, and steps necessary for credentialing in your state. Post these in a bulleted, abbreviated, outline format.

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