Evaluation of Outcomes

Evaluation of Outcomes

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As you translate evidence into practice, it is essential to consider how you will evaluate the outcomes. As introduced in Week 8, you are likely to encounter barriers as you integrate research findings into practice. Using a framework for evaluation can assist in minimizing those barriers.

As a nurse engaged in advanced practice, it is now time to take your practicum project to the next level—evaluating the outcomes you identified for the Week 9 Discussion and then developing new practice guidelines.

To prepare:

  • The course text, Translation of Evidence into      Nursing and Health Care Practice, provides a list of questions that should      be considered when planning for evaluation. See page 239 for this list of      questions.
  • Review the Learning Resources focusing on the      various evaluation frameworks presented. Select a framework and determine      how you would evaluate the outcomes you identified in the Week 9      Discussion (see week 9 discussion in the file area).
  • Based on the possible results of your      evaluation, envision new practice guidelines you would develop.
  • What new standards of care might this lead to?
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