Nursing assignment based on Liberty City Miami Florida.

It is supposed to be a windshield survey and I have to answer some of these questions, base on Liberty City Miami Florida (IMPORTANT) this has to be current 2018-2019 information and must use proper APA 6th edition format, references needed. There will be two parts for this assignment and at least 4 pages long two pages at least for each part and two references for each part, The two parts are:


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-Are there schools in the area?

-How do they look?

-What is the reputation of the schools?

-What are the dropout/graduation rates?

-Are extracurricular activities available? Are they used?

-Is there a school health service? A school health nurse?

-Is there a local board of education?

-Are there libraries in the community?

-What are the major educational issues?



-What types of protective services are there? (e.g. Police, fire, sanitation)

-Are air and water quality monitored?

-What are the number and types of crimes committed? Do people feel safe?

-How do people get around?

-What type of public and private transportation is available?

-Do you see buses, bicycles, taxis?

-Are there sidewalks, bike trails?

-Is getting around in the community available for people with disabilities?

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