Notes from Prof on attached essay.

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Great work here!  Just a few items to be adjusted.  As you move forward, you will want to present evidence such as true data driven research to support claims being made within your presentation.  There are many great points which may seem to be true based on experience or things that were “read somewhere or heard somewhere”, but are not significantly true based on evidence derived through scholarly research in the last five years.  As you make your presentation, please include true research from the JFL Library and not simply an internet search to add substantiation to claims made throughout the paper.  Simply adding in a reference here and there does not make research, but it looks like you are moving away from that into true scholarly evaluation.  Be sure to complete in text citations even with paraphrased or summarized information and also be sure to properly format references in the body and reference list per APA guidelines.  As always, you are welcomed to reach out to me with questions.  You are doing great!


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