“The FSFI is a brief questionnaire measure of sexual functioning in women. It was developed for the specific purpose of assessing domains of sexual functioning (e.g., sexual arousal, orgasm, satisfaction, pain) in clinical trials. It is not a measure of sexual experience, knowledge, attitudes, or interpersonal functioning in women. It was not designed for use as a diagnostic instrument and should not be used as a substitute for a complete sex history in clinical evaluation.”
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- Another assessment tool is used for men. Review the sexual function assessments provided. Feel free to take them yourselves and score according to directions. You do not have to share your scores but can incorporate your own personal reflections in your paper. After viewing the assessments, share thoughts and comments regarding use of the assessments in gathering information on sexual function. Do you feel the assessment was an appropriate tool? If so, why, and how could it be beneficial? If not, what were the drawbacks of the assessments?
- Here is the link http://www.fsfiquestionnaire.com/,