1. Following is a writer’s initial brainstormed list for a report on stress in the workplace.
Revise the brainstormed list, eliminating repetition and combining related
— leads to absenteeism
— high costs for compensation for
stress-related illnesses
— proper nutrition
— numerous stress-reduction techniques
— good idea to conduct interviews to
find out levels, causes, and extent
of stress in the workplace
— low morale caused by stress
— higher insurance claims for employees’
physical ailments
— myth to see stress leading to greater
— various tapes used to teach relaxation
— environmental factors—too hot?
too cold?
— teamwork intensifies stress
— counseling
— work overload
— setting priorities
— wellness campaign
— savings per employee add up to
$6,150 per year
— skills to relax
— learning to get along with coworkers
— need for privacy
— interpersonal communication
— employee’s need for clear policies
on transfers, promotion
— stress management workshops very
successful in California
— physical activity to relieve stress
— affects management
— breathing exercises
2. Prepare a suitable outline from your revised list in Exercise 1 for a report to a decision
maker on the problems of stress in the workplace and the necessity of creating
a stress-management program.