Watch Ted talk and write about..


We will write a custom paper specifically for you.

  • Who is Bryan Stevenson?
  • What was the main point(s) of his Ted Talk?
  • Note the statistics or concerns he shared about our (US) criminal justice system, poverty, etc.?
  • Note what he has to say about children incarceration.
  • Note what he has to say about the death penalty?
  • Why should we care?
  • What should we ask instead of “do people deserve to die for the crimes they’ve committed?”
  • In your opinion why does he describe his court motion as crazy?


  • Times New Roman font style
  • Size 12 font
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • No title page
  • Max of 3 pages
  • Due no later than Monday May 29th

Good luck!

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